Board game with a mobile app for the blind

UI / UX design, Development

Project details

About the client

"Kondigno" began its journey in early 2021. "Kondigno" is a board game for people with visual impairments. The creators of this unique board game wanted a website where they could clearly showcase and sell this blind-friendly board game.

Project Goal

The aim of the project was to create a website that not only presents the board game properly, but is also accessible to people with visual impairments, as the game is tailored specifically for this group of users.

The final result

The result is a website for the blind, which shares the real feel and look of the board game. We also introduced a way for visitors to the site to view the rules of the game in PDF format and to listen to a sample game task provided with the mobile app that is used to play the board game.

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